2021 Japanese Language Contest Result
Congratulations to the winners of the Greater Kansas City Japanese Language Contest. Although the event was a bit different this year due to social distancing, 33 students from 4 schools participated in Brush Calligraphy, Japanese Tanka Poetry and English Tanka Poetry.
This year's theme was based on the most noted words in Japan this past year relating to the pandemic. The tanka theme was "Stay Home". The shodo options were 三密 (sanmitsu) 、あまびえ (amabie) 、 and マスク (masuku).
Sanmitsu is the Japanese equivalent of the "Three C's" -- a well-known approach to preventing covid-19 infection by avoiding closed spaces, crowds, and close-contact situations.
Amabie is a legendary Japanese mermaid or merman with a bird-beak like mouth and three legs or tail-fins, who allegedly emerges from the sea, prophesies either an abundant harvest or an epidemic, and instructed people to make copies of its likeness to defend against illness.
Masuku = MaskWinners:
Shodo (書道)
John Marvin Shodo Childs KU FIRST PLACE.png
2nd: Brianna Mason (KCAI)
Brianna Mason-Calligraphy SECOND PLACE.pdf
3rd: Lee Cooke (KCAI)
Lee Cooke Shodo KCAI Whiting-Kipper THIRD PLACE...
Honorable Mention: Kristina Duckson (KCAI)
Kristina Duckson KCAI Whiting Kipper HONORABLE ...
English Tanka High School(英語短歌高校部門)
1st: Gabrielle Martell (ONWHS)
Gabrielle Martell ETanka Goodrick.png
English Tanka College (英語短歌大学部門)
1st: Skylar Courtney (KCAI)
skylar Courtney ETanka KCAI Whiting.png
2nd: Sheridan Peterson (WSU)
Sheridan Peterson_ETanka_Jennifer Musaji.docx
3rd: Mercy Warren (KCAI)
Mercy Warren ETanka KCAI Whiting.png
Honorable Mention: Julian Hemenway (WSU)
Julian Hemenway ETanka Wichita Musaji.png
Japanese Tanka College (日本語短歌大学部門)
1st: Aaron Rivers (WSU)
Arron Rivers JTanka Foster Wichita FIRST PLACE.png
2nd: Brianna Mason (KCAI)
Brianna Mason JTanka KCAI Whiting SECOND PLACE.png
3rd: Joshua Keese (WSU)
Joshua Keese JTanka Wichita Foster.png